Tuesday, February 10, 2009

"Where Are They Now" - Holland Raise Up!

Today on "Where Are They Now" we delve into the sordid life of Sander Cowie-Charest. Once a famous Dutch child actor who played the part of "Beertje" on the hit show "Kinderen van Waterland" (Children of Waterland) that swept the Netherlands by storm in 1990, Sander has been on a continuous downward spiral since the molestation allegations.

This downward spiral that brought Sander from beret-boy "Beertje" to gay-boy "Beer Shit" caused him to flee the Netherlands for the US. He now resides in NB, MA. Currently he works on boats, and apprentices at Choppahead Kustoms. Sander enjoys hurting himself skateboarding, two-man camping in one tent, cheap beer, passing out at bike shows, and, of course, the cock.

And here's a trailer for the show:

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